How often should you replace air filters in your house?

A pleated air filter should be replaced every 30-60 days. A 2-fold air filter should be changed every 3 months.

How often should you replace air filters in your house?

A pleated air filter should be replaced every 30-60 days. A 2-fold air filter should be changed every 3 months. A 3-fold air filter should be changed every 120 days. A 4-fold air filter should be changed every 6 months.

Fiberglass air filters are the more affordable of the two, but less efficient at capturing dust and particles from the air. They usually need to be changed every 30 days or less. The ideal is to change the air filter every three months, however, there are certain factors to consider when determining when to change an old filter. You should generally replace a fiberglass air filter about once every 30 days or as recommended by the manufacturer.

A pleated air filter should be replaced approximately once every three to six months. However, the frequency of air filter replacement depends on several important factors, such as your home, occupants, and location. A general rule for pleated air filters (such as those manufactured by FilterBuy) is to replace the filter every 90 days. As the filter traps more dirt, dust, and allergens from the air, the efficiency of the filter decreases.

Find out below if you should replace the filter more often.

Maribel Culloton
Maribel Culloton

Professional social media enthusiast. Extreme decluttering ninja. Subtly charming bacon enthusiast. Music lover. Evil pop culture geek.