What are the most important steps to take when cleaning a house?

Follow this step-by-step guide to make the most of your time and get your house cleaned quickly. Clean the whole house, not one room at a time.

What are the most important steps to take when cleaning a house?

Follow this step-by-step guide to make the most of your time and get your house cleaned quickly. Clean the whole house, not one room at a time. Gather all your cleaning tools in one cart. Focus on bathtubs, sinks, and toilets.

Having a cleaning schedule and cadence can give your home the focus it deserves and, at the same time, keep your mind under control. There's no point in cleaning the same space over and over again if you neglect other parts of your home. Divide your cleaning tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly lists, suggests Jamie Hord, founder of Horderly Professional Organizing. You'll never have to spend hours (or days) doing a deep cleaning of the entire house again, he adds.

Hord recommends daily cleaning and disinfecting all high-traffic areas: doorknobs, countertops, kitchens, bathrooms, and laundromats, just to name a few. On a weekly basis, wash sheets and towels, vacuum and mop floors, dust surfaces and furniture, and clean showers and bathtubs, he says. As for monthly tasks, Hord suggests taking an inventory of kitchen food, cleaning supplies, and toiletries to make sure they aren't expired or running low. Once you've done steps 1 and 3, dust everything off and then get to work in the bathrooms and kitchen.

The cleaning solutions would have had time to be absorbed, so your job should be easier. We understand that it can be very easy to get behind on cleaning your house, and having a cleaning service to get your home in a manageable state can be the best way to stay on track. Their goal is to offer the best cleaning services together with their dedicated team and the author of the blog Next Day Cleaning. The bathroom is a very important part of preparing for the day and is where a lot of personal care is practiced, so making a checklist for cleaning the house for the bathroom will help make it a good place to take care of yourself.

Grab your cleaning supplies, roll up your sleeves and let's see the ultimate guide on how to clean wallpaper, DIY style. If there are items on your house cleaning to-do list that you're having a hard time doing, you can call in professionals to take care of work you just don't have time for. This checklist for kitchen house cleaning can be pasted on the refrigerator to remind you to keep everything in a hygienic condition and make food preparation a happy process. This checklist for bedroom house cleaning will ensure that your rest is effective and leaves you ready to win the day.

However, if you clean your house or apartment regularly and you want to save time, there's definitely a right way to do it. At Next Day Cleaning, you can expect a cost-effective range of household and commercial cleaning solutions. Residential real estate developer and general contractor Bill Samuel has innovated in grout cleaning by rehabilitating houses for resale and rent. Once you've cleared the mess and established your cleaning schedule and cadence, it's time to start cleaning.

Deep cleaning a house means mopping, dusting, or vacuuming all surfaces in the house from top to bottom, including nooks, crevices, and hard-to-reach areas. That's why the best order to clean your house is to remove the mess and tidy up before you get your hands dirty. Your sleep is such an important part of your well-being that it's critical that you stick to this house cleaning checklist.

Maribel Culloton
Maribel Culloton

Professional social media enthusiast. Extreme decluttering ninja. Subtly charming bacon enthusiast. Music lover. Evil pop culture geek.