What is the correct order of cleaning a house?

Order is the cornerstone of efficiency, extending even to the realm of house cleaning. Imagine the chaos and wasted effort if you dusted your shelves first only to sweep dust off the floor onto them later? Or cleaned your bathroom before de-cluttering, leading to new messes in newly-cleaned spaces? This guide, brought to you by our expert team at your trusted house cleaning company, underpins the significance of having a correct order when carrying out your house cleaning activities.

What is the correct order of cleaning a house?

Order is the cornerstone of efficiency, extending even to the realm of house cleaning. Imagine the chaos and wasted effort if you dusted your shelves first only to sweep dust off the floor onto them later? Or cleaned your bathroom before de-cluttering, leading to new messes in newly-cleaned spaces? This guide, brought to you by our expert team at your trusted house cleaning company, underpins the significance of having a correct order when carrying out your house cleaning activities. We focus on maximizing productivity while creating an environment that not only looks clean but also truly feels clean. Embrace a strategy that ensures each step complements the next, thereby radically enhancing the effectiveness of your cleaning regimen.

This is always the first step. Make your bed the first thing when you approach the bedroom. Once you've done steps 1 and 3, dust everything off and then get to work in your bathrooms and kitchen. The cleaning solutions would have had time to be absorbed, so your job should be easier.

Now you should start dusting all areas of your home and cleaning all your furniture to keep the air healthy and allergen-free. This is especially good practice for cleaning, disinfecting and managing COVID-19 in their homes. Going room by room and step by step. Having a clean house is as simple as setting a schedule and sticking to it.

Whether you're cleaning a studio apartment in downtown Dallas or your dream home with a giant kitchen, 5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, cleaning is as simple as grabbing a cloth, some spray and getting started. The kitchen is the second most difficult place in the house to clean and also one of the most important. This is where we often get together as a family, share meals, and create memories. As it is a priority for our customers and tends to accumulate a lot of dirt, we usually clean the kitchen in second place.

Here, tasks will include washing dirty dishes, cleaning every surface, and mopping the entire area, from countertops to kitchen cabinets. Once we start cleaning, we often clean the entrances and corridors as we go, including the stairs, their railings and poles. Excluding the floor, which we vacuum and mop together for the whole house in the end. Just like in the kitchen, these are areas where we spend a lot of time relaxing, so they need to be done right.

We'll start by cleaning the multimedia console and coffee tables before moving on to dusting the shelves and vacuuming the furniture (if necessary). To erase that soap residue or water stain, apply some distilled white vinegar and let it sit for half an hour or so, reapply it if necessary. Then sprinkle some baking soda on the front and gently rub the places to remove them. If you can, remove everything that is flush with the garage floor and also use a broom to purge any dust, leaves, and enigmatic dirt that may have settled there.

Spray some baking soda on a towel and wipe off any type of area that has oil build-up. Offer it for a few minutes and then do it by wiping the place with a clean, damp cloth to select the tank. Grab your cleaning supplies, roll up your sleeves and let's see the ultimate guide on how to clean wallpaper, DIY-style. That's why the best order to clean your house is to remove the mess and tidy up before you get your hands dirty.

Boone includes and agrees that washing the pillows in the cleaning machine keeps them clean and will also sponge them well after a couple of months of resting on them. The procedure of a unique cleaning company consists of perfectly cleaning your entire house, level or office. Once you've cleaned a certain room or section of your house, you don't want to have to touch it again until the next time you have to clean. If you really want to reduce cleaning time, Sardone says, then you really need to clean more often.

By methodically checking each room, you can maintain cleanliness on time and save yourself the time and worry of having to decide what to clean next. Throw away all old-fashioned cleaning supplies and follow your city guidelines, as not all cleaning products can enter the regular municipal garbage dump. We ask customers to tidy up their homes before the cleaning equipment arrives, as this will undoubtedly allow the equipment to continue cleaning. In such cases, you can hire professional experts for end-of-lease cleaning in Townsville to clean your house and make it look tidy.

There is no doubt that some cabinets will swell if they come into contact with excessive moisture, so be sure to remove the cloth thoroughly before cleaning the wood and to dry the surface completely quickly with a paper towel after cleaning it. For the most persistent oil stains, place a few drops of prescription soap on half a lemon and also rub it on problem spots. Rub or wipe it clean. You can use a vacuum cleaner or a special duct cleaning kit to remove particles from the inside of the pipe, as well as anywhere the dryer vent is located outside your home.

However, if you clean your house or apartment regularly and you want to save time, there's definitely a right way to do it. While you may not feel like cleaning those curtains or vacuuming all your soft furniture, it's necessary when it comes to keeping your home clean and your family healthy. 

Maribel Culloton
Maribel Culloton

Professional social media enthusiast. Extreme decluttering ninja. Subtly charming bacon enthusiast. Music lover. Evil pop culture geek.