What do professionals use to clean bathrooms?

Use a scrub brush or a non-scratching abrasive pad to scrub every square inch of the tub and tile. Both cleaning experts trust Mr.

What do professionals use to clean bathrooms?

Use a scrub brush or a non-scratching abrasive pad to scrub every square inch of the tub and tile. Both cleaning experts trust Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, especially for grey rings that are difficult to remove inside the bathtub. My bathroom isn't a fun place to be after getting my hair done, and I try not to subject my family to that, so I clean my bathroom floors often.

When cleaning the bathroom floor, always vacuum or sweep first, or at least clean it by hand. Otherwise, you'll just be pushing a wet mop with a bunch of big, disgusting hair underneath. After 14 years in the cleaning world, I can say with confidence that I still don't like cleaning the bathroom. Therefore, it is enough to hire professional cleaners who provide reliable end-of-lease cleaning in Adelaide to disinfect and clean these areas and eliminate these deadly germs.

An all-purpose cleaner, like some of the many we've tried at the Good Housekeeping Institute's cleaning lab, can be used to clean everything from mirrors to tiled floors in the bathroom, but to make it as free of germs and soap residue as possible, special cleaners (preferably with disinfectants) are needed. Don't put off cleaning the toilet until the end; if you leave the toilet cleaner in the pan to soak while you clean the rest of the bathroom, you'll be sure to get brilliant results. I know this because my parents basically hired me to clean the house every weekend for a penny, or at least what seemed like a penny when I was 11. Your bathroom is a germ-infested area that needs to be cleaned regularly and needs thorough cleaning by professionals every month. You should thoroughly clean the entire bathroom at least once every two weeks, but high-traffic areas, such as the toilet and sink, should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a week.

The Clean Magic eraser has earned the Good Housekeeping seal for how well it cleans a variety of surfaces and how comfortable it is to use. That said, I've discovered some cleaning and time-saving secrets that make a big difference when it comes to cleaning the bathroom. You can also use it daily to clean your bathroom by mixing it with a cup of vinegar and cleaning the grout from the floors. With so many hard surfaces in the bathroom, it's worth learning how to clean a bathroom with vinegar and creating your own chemical-free cleaning spray that removes dirt and also disinfects naturally.

Because if you let it sit, it will harden and accumulate, making your cleaning job difficult when you actually clean the bathroom. Cleaning the bathroom is the most dreaded of all household tasks, which doesn't help the fact that most homes have more than one, nor the fact that bathrooms need to be cleaned very regularly to remain cozy and hygienic. All you really need is a couple of cleaning cloths, an old toothbrush, a mop and a bucket, and some great cleaning tips, of course.

Maribel Culloton
Maribel Culloton

Professional social media enthusiast. Extreme decluttering ninja. Subtly charming bacon enthusiast. Music lover. Evil pop culture geek.