What is the best way to clean tile floors?

All tile floors should be vacuumed or swept before washing. Mix a mild detergent and water in a large bucket.

What is the best way to clean tile floors?

All tile floors should be vacuumed or swept before washing. Mix a mild detergent and water in a large bucket. Less is more when detergent is added to water, as too much can make rinsing difficult. Dip a mop or microfiber cloth into the solution.

Using vinegar to clean floor tiles should be done with caution; some tiles are some of the things that should not be cleaned with vinegar. Apply the cleaning solution with movements in the shape of eight, cleaning and squeezing the mop as it removes the dirt. Pottery and porcelain are incredibly durable, and some simple cleaning tips on how to clean tile floors made of these substances can keep them shiny.

Maribel Culloton
Maribel Culloton

Professional social media enthusiast. Extreme decluttering ninja. Subtly charming bacon enthusiast. Music lover. Evil pop culture geek.